Tálknafjarðarskóli has offered students in their teens an internship during the spring semester in collaboration with companies in Tálknafjörður. The purpose of the project is to introduce students to the industries that operate in Tálknafjörður and what education is useful for working in those industries. In this way, students can better understand whether they are interested in these jobs in the future. Sjótækni participates in this project at Tálknafjarðarskóli and Jóna Stefanía and Ísabella have come to us for the past three Wednesdays and got to know the activities of Sjótækni.
They have been told about the many projects that Sjótækni's employees work on, such as diving, the cleaning of aquaculture nets, sea pipes and many other projects that Sjótækni is involved in. They also went on board the boat Haukur where skipper Magnús and helmsman Gísli showed them the cleaning gadget used to clean the nets in the cages and of course they got to try to steer the gadget. Furthermore, Sjótækni's employees have told them about the qualifications that are necessary to be able to work for the company and which education and courses are useful in working at Sjótækni. On the last day, they went to Bíldudalur, where the employees of Sjótækni are working on pipe lines and saw how such work is done. They also got to try to go into the pressure chamber that Sjótækni owns and is used for diving at great depths, in addition to which it is used if diving illness needs to be treated.
The staff of Sjótækni thank Jóna Stefanía and Ísabella for the company and wish them good luck and we look forward to welcoming the next group of students next Wednesday.